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Anton van Beek  |  Jan 18, 2013  |  0 comments

Christopher Lee gets a chance to play the good guy in this excellent tale of black magic. However, while the film is a fan favourite, this Blu-ray release could prove very divisive. The problem isn't the restoration (yet another wonderfully rich and detailed AVC 1.66:1 1080p encode) or the extras (which are as copious as you could hope for). Instead it's the decision to replace a number of the film's visual effects with new CG ones. While an interesting experiment, it's a real shame that there's no option to switch to the original effects (either via seamless branching or by including the original edit in its entirety). You can check out a couple of 'before and after' examples below.

Anton van Beek & Steve May  |  Dec 04, 2015  |  0 comments

With all of the world-building taken care of in last year's slightly creaky Divergent, this 'Young Adult' sci-fi sequel can get down to the business of driving the narrative forward while exploring the characters in even greater detail.

Anton van Beek  |  Apr 17, 2014  |  0 comments

This remarkable 1924 film documents the tragic attempt to conquer Everest that resulted in the deaths of George Mallory and Andrew Irvine. While the film's treatment of the Tibetan locals makes for rather uncomfortable viewing, there's no denying that it stands as a powerful testament to the climbers and the mountain itself. The BFI's AVC 1.33:1 1080p restoration still exhibits damage and instability, but also reveals a wealth of detailing thanks to the improved clarity. A recreation of the original musical accompaniment (LPCM 2.0) is joined by a new score by Simon Fisher Turner (DTS-HD MA 5.1/LPCM 2.0).

Anton van Beek  |  Mar 10, 2015  |  0 comments

This bigscreen update of the 1980s TV show features Denzel Washington as Robert McCall, a former black-ops guy who has left that part of his life behind and now works at a home supplies store in Boston. Yet when a young prostitute (Chloë Grace Moretz) he befriended is hospitalised by her Russian mobster pimp, McCall slips back into old ways and sets out on a bloody trail of revenge.

Anton van Beek  |  Sep 23, 2010  |  0 comments

The Exorcist is a film that surely needs no introduction. One of the most celebrated horror films of all-time, this tale of a young girl possessed by demonic forces still has the power to unsettle and shock audiences despite the number of times it has been referenced, parodied and ripped-off by other movies across the better part of three decades.

Anton van Beek  |  Jan 11, 2016  |  0 comments

Few franchises are as wildly uneven as the one that span out of the critical and commercial success of William Friedkin's controversial horror masterpiece The Exorcist (1973).

Mark Craven & Richard Stevenson  |  Dec 25, 2012  |  0 comments

While it's surprising that the generic plot of this star-studded sequel is apparently the best they could come up with, The Expendables 2 is never less than ridiculously entertaining. Adding genre icons Chuck Norris and Jean Claude van Damme to the mix, giving bigger roles to Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzengger and ramping up the number of one-liners is a smart move by writer/producer Sylvester Stallone – as is drafting in director Simon West (Con Air, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider), who shoot's the film's action sequences with real panache.

Anton van Beek & Richard Stevenson  |  Feb 06, 2015  |  0 comments

It's business-as-usual in this third instalment in Sylvester Stallone's cinematic retirement home for elderly action stars. This time around the plot involves the search for a former-Expendable-turned-arms dealer (Mel Gibson), a situation that is apparently so serious that it necessitates not only the recruiting of even more old action stars (Wesley Snipes! Antonio Banderas! Harrison Ford! Er… Kelsey Grammer!), but an injection of fresh blood (Kellan Lutz! Glen Powell! Ronda Rousey! Victor Ortiz!).

Anton van Beek  |  Dec 13, 2010  |  0 comments

The Expendables is pure wish fulfilment for fans of ‘80s action movies. The plot is little better than most Direct-to-DVD fodder (blow up some foreign-types and save the girl), but who cares when it’s jam-packed with so many memorably staged fights, shootouts and explosions? And then there’s the incredible roster of testosterone-fuelled talent onboard including Sylvester Stallone (who also wrote and directed the flick), Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, Terry Crews, Mickey Rourke, Steve Austin, Gary Daniels, Eric Roberts and even fun cameos by Bruce Willis and the Governator himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Anton van Beek  |  Aug 06, 2012  |  0 comments

With a sequel hitting cinemas this Summer, it’s no surprise to find The Expendables being revisited here as an all-new 113-minute ‘Extended Director’s Cut’. As with Rambo, this isn’t only about adding new footage – Stallone has effectively re-edited the film from the ground up, utilising alternate takes and restructuring entire scenes. For a very detailed account of all of the changes, we highly recommend looking here and here.

Anton van Beek  |  Dec 18, 2013  |  0 comments

The first of Roger Corman's celebrated cycle of Edgar Allan Poe films, The Fall of the House of Usher is an enjoyably odd fright-flick that overcomes its modest budget and dull leading man with a surfeit of cinematic style and a scenery-chewing performance from Vincent Price. This Blu-ray release gets the best out of the film's lurid visuals with its lovingly restored AVC 2.40:1 1080p encode and backs it up with a solid LPCM dual-mono soundtrack. A director's commentary, an interview with former Corman protégé Joe Dante and an archival French TV interview with Vincent Price are among the disc's superb extras.

Anton van Beek  |  Jun 07, 2011  |  0 comments

The Fighter is the latest in a long line of films that shows just how well cinema and boxing go together. Thanks to the ease with which they bring together three of it’s the industry’s favourite themes - human drama, triumph of the underdog and people being hit in the head repeatedly - Hollywood’s history is lined with hymns to professional pugilists (either fictitious or real) in the form of classics like The Champ, Gentleman Jim, Rocky and Raging Bull.

Anton van Beek  |  Jul 30, 2017  |  0 comments

A melting pot of mythology, romance, tragedy, social commentary and comedy, this 1991 film stars Jeff Bridges as cynical New York City radio shock-jock Jack Lucas, whose life falls apart when an unstable listener takes his latest hate-filled rant to heart and goes on a killing spree.

Anton van Beek  |  Dec 10, 2015  |  0 comments

Struck by lightning and doused with unknown radiation when an advanced particle accelerator malfunctions, crime scene investigator Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) discovers he has gained the ability to move at superhuman speeds. With the aid of a trio of science boffins from S.T.A.R. Labs, Allen transforms himself into the Flash and sets about stopping those other 'metahumans' who were transformed by the same radiation wave and are using their superpowers to criminal ends.

Anton van Beek  |  Jul 25, 2012  |  0 comments

Few people class this feature as one of Disney’s animated classics. Typical of the studio’s output in the ‘80s, The Fox and the Hound feels both old-fashioned and unimaginative. But is that really an excuse for not putting much effort into its Blu-ray release?
